The Best is Yet to Come


It’s a new year. The time we traditionally resolve to do something to better ourselves. We use our hindsight as a tool to move forward, as we shut the dark door of the past with its regrets, remorse, and unforeseen misfortune,closing this chapter of our life. We look ahead with hope, a little lighter step, and a small vision of a better future, free of the fetters of yesterday‘s mistakes.

Believe that you are far bigger than anything that can happen to you.


I used to try to forget all I should’ve done, tried to escape my pain, or the fear of not living up to what I think you think of me. I realize today there is no growth without a little discomfort, or facing human error. I can only move forward because I know God’s got my back! Yes, God sits nearby and laughs as I make my plans , then sends his capable angels ahead of me to protect me, (most likely from myself) as I go forth with certainty, knowing I can rely on the love and power of the Creator of the Universe.
So who do I want to be this year?    Not the greatest in the world, nor the least, but someone able to have more love,  more compassion, little less self interest. It will take a higher power to bring that about! I have to see you through God‘s eyes before I can open my heart, do what’s right, look for the good, and do a secret favor to someone- without broadcasting it across planet.Yeah, humility as another goal I’m still striving for.



This year I can say and I believe   the best is yet to come   and more good will surely manifest in our lives.I believe it with the deepest part of my heart. I have come to give less power to fear and more power to love, faith, hope and all that is unseen, yet beautiful . I believe every prayer whispered or shouted is answered, as soon as we   surrender.

As we step into a time that has never existed before, tomorrow we can go forth with unrestrained confidence that all is well. So, believe that the Universe is friendly and life is on your side. It is!!

Help comes from the most unexpected sources.

One day I was struggling with a difficult personality I had on-going interaction with, when my son, who has always had a compassionate heart,  told me to listen to a podcast he had just started. I did, and it was so positive, so helpful, and uplifting, especially in light of my current struggle, that I began to listen to them everyday. I became a better person because of it. 

If you need help with this journey of the soul, I want to share this with you:

 “Winning with Trevor, your No BS Guide to Self Improvement.”

Anything is Possible.

That is his name for a small book that can bring about big changes , and I was pleased to see it captures the same beliefs I have written about, that  guide our destiny: looking for the good, small moments of grace in the midst of an ordinary day, and that, yes, anything is possible.

I was amazed at the serendipity that came from pondering how like-minded our thinking,our purpose, and our spiritual goals in life are, as we read each others writings.   I invite you to read his thoughts on the small small changes that can bring about huge transformations. Don’t be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful. Believe that as the you give to the world, so the world will give to you.

Anything Is Possible

As we close the book of the past, and write a new chapter of our lives, let go of anything that will hold you   back from believing the best….is yet to come!!


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